Inspire Me Podcast

This Podcast lends a new perspective on life's challenges and encourages you to live a more empowered life built around self love, compassion, courage, and grace.

Episode 1

Welcome to the first episode of the Inspire Me Podcast. I’m Shelley, and I’m here to tell my story. A story of the past couple years, and the challenges I faced, which included a near death experience that helped align me with my purpose. I truly hope this story inspires you to follow your heart.

Episode 2

Episode 2 with Chad McPherson – Chad has faced many challenges and unfortunate events in his life. Losing his mother to suicide as a teen, and shortly there after becoming paralyzed in a motor cross accident. Chad battled addiction throughout his life. In the years to follow he was in and out of treatment centers and had multiple hospital visits. He battled addition and struggled to find his purpose in life, which led to multiple suicide attempts. It wasn’t until these past 2 years, where he realized that using drugs to escape, looking outward to blame external circumstances or moving cities, thinking it was going to fix things were not going to solve the problems. He now practices looking inward, working on himself and maintaining a healthy balance in life.

Episode 3

Episode 3 – In this episode we discuss Intuition and how to connect to it. I also talk about how trusting my Intuition has changed my life, and how important it is to find that place of inner guidance within yourself…to bring peace, love, and joy in your everyday life.